What is fannie mae foreclosures
What is fannie mae foreclosures

what is fannie mae foreclosures

The legal pressure to foreclose at all costs is leading to a situation where servicers are foreclosing on properties on which they do not even own the note. In other words, Fannie Mae seems to specifically delegate its foreclosure avoidance obligations out to lawyers who specialize in kicking people out of their homes. The network also serves as a pool of legal talent that represents Fannie in its pre-filing mediation program, a program designed to facilitate communication between borrowers and servicers prior to foreclosure. Several of the busiest of these mills show up as members of Fannie Mae's Retained Attorney Network, a set of legal contractors on whom Fannie relies to represent its interests as a note-holder. The firms have been accused of fabricating or backdating documents, as well as lying to conceal the true owner of a note. According to the New York Times, four of these mills are both among the busiest of the firms and are under investigation by the Attorney General of Florida for fraud.

what is fannie mae foreclosures

Foreclosure mills are law firms representing lenders that specialize in speeding up the foreclosure process, often without regard to process, substance, or legal propriety. We are disturbed by the increasing reports of predatory 'foreclosure mills' in Florida working for Fannie Mae servicers.

What is fannie mae foreclosures