Obviously, it is possible for a single action to be both a reversion (act of reverting) and a reversal (act of reversing), but the words are not interchangeable. What Is a Word to another question: how should we explain the fact that the same referent is designated by quite different sound groups in different. "To revert" is to move/return to a previous position/state (with the important part being the destination). This is why you can reverse your decision or reverse the polarity of something carrying an electric charge. Because of this, most English-speakers would (probably) define "reverse" as "moving backward," but that's not entirely correct. Synonyms for reverse psychology include paradox, contradiction, absurdity, anomaly, enigma, incongruity, inconsistency, mystery, oddity and puzzle.

Although they are called reverse mentorships, these kinds of. Reverse mentoring programs often focus on new technology and business practices. With cars or people, moving "in reverse" is moving in the direction opposite of the direction you're facing. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Synonyms for in reverse include vice versa, contrariwise, conversely, inversely, oppositely, reciprocally, likewise, reversed, other way round and the opposite way. Reverse mentoring is a partnership between a senior-level employee and a junior-level employee in which the junior-level employee helps fill in possible gaps in the more experienced persons knowledge.

"To reverse" is to change/move in the opposite direction (with the important part being the change or opposite-motion).